Student ReviewChristian P.

Non Artist · United States

  • Hey everybody, Brandon Miles here. Today I've got Christian Smutherman and we're gonna talk about how Christian went from zero clients struggling and got his first client at 2,500 bucks in less than 30 days, helping entrepreneurs of color, start and grow their own businesses.

  • You know, when I first started it was a lot of fun but I was doing a lot of work with folks for free. Just offering value upfront, offering my support, but I was really trying to figure out how can I actually take this idea and the impact that I'm making in these entrepreneurs lives to market and become profitable. But I wasn't really sure, you know which avenue I should take or what path would be the best for me. Your name popped up. And I got started and pretty soon things started coming together and yeah, I've been seeing a lot of good results with the business. I'd invested in other programs and I've invested in myself over the years to learn but I think a lot of the things that I did invest in, I didn't necessarily see results with them. Honestly, I think the training and going in there and seeing it happen

  • Seeing it work

  • Quick, you know, real life experience and application will teach you quick. I was really Surp... You know, I was surprised in a way but then I could see like why it happened. And I think the way that you teach sales and the way that the framework and the structure that you give, it's just... I think what I found is it's a really perfect blend between emotion and logic. And so, you know, you're just sort of taking people through this like logical process but then at the same time, you're connecting with them. I think that my focus has definitely improved. You know, this whole process has forced me to get really organized very much like on my calendar, getting things systematized. You also gave me so much great feedback and that really built trust for your brand and for your work. I had been in conversations with other folks and I just didn't like it. I didn't like the conversations I was having. It felt salesy. It felt pushy. It didn't feel that way when I was talking to you. It was genuine, and I was like, okay, I think this is it. If you want to succeed and win in your business and you know that you are just missing a piece or there's just something that's not clicking I would recommend take action and work with somebody like Harry who can give you that push and the structure and the strategies that you need to actually get results. And I'd say people need to take action if they actually want to see something happen

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